quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2015

The Gift Continues

The anniversary was Henry, 5th, he completed 32 years), but donations for the birthday gift campaign, which is promoting the CRAZY continue until May 31; and who can make a very special gift is you!
You can donate any amount to Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, through the account: https://www.justgiving.com/Crazy-For-Henry-Cavill and compete for the shirt and sweatpants kit of cavill conservation.

Our page will be giving away kit the first of July, between the people who made donations (only this link https://https://www.justgiving.com/Crazy-For-Henry-Cavill). The admiration of Cavill by the organization comes from the actor's childhood, who was born in Jersey, where the Durrell has a protected area that houses lemurs, gorillas and other animals. "I used to come here so often. I remember playing here with my brother. Near the gorilla enclosure, it is a special memory. "


In September 2014, Cavill became ambassador Durrell and since then, want to enjoy the visibility that brought his career to publicize the NGO, "I'm here to raise awareness of the Durrell conservation efforts around the world. This is a place that is very close to my heart, I used to come here as a boy, and now I can help raise awareness about Durrell in people, I thought I should make an effort. "


So let's work together for projects of Durrell and congratulate the initiative and the Henry birthday, with donations to this cause?

Good luck!

By Fabiana Franzosi - CRAZY FOR HENRY CAVILL 

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