In the middle of the rush of recording and dissemination of their works, Henry also has his moments of leisure. When he not with his family, or involved in their philanthropic causes, he likes to relax and unwind in some London pubs.
When we seek the “formal” description for the term, we find this in the site: “Pub is an English public house abbreviation, meaning public house, and assigns a very popular type of bar UK, Ireland and other countries of British influence, such as Australia or New Zealand, where drinks are served (mostly alcoholic) and light food.”
“A pub has special significance for the British. It is distinguished from other bars to keep the medieval style with low light, which makes it a very welcoming environment. It is the ideal place for a beer after work or a meeting point for friends. In some pubs you can listen to live music, watch football games or play pool, for example.”
We know that Henry has some preferred address, proof of this fan pictures that always show up in the net with a smiling and friendly Cavill.
One is the Bodo Schloss, one Club bar located in Kensington High Street. It is one of the most exclusive enclaves, there you find an Austrian themed environment with skis, beer and typical foods. Attached to the pub there is a nightclub with DJ’s and theme parties.
Another place where you can bump up with Henry in London, is the Builder’s Arms in Kensington Court Place. Here the decor has a rustic and elegant style, with exposed brick walls, sofas, poufs and of course, lots of beer and a varied menu of sandwiches and portions.
But the Wellington Club in Knightsbridge, has a more modern alternative proposal. A more nightclub lighting, many mirrors and panels with artistic paintings of London artists and A-list celebrities among the regulars.
None of these houses is among the top 10 most visited London, this shows us that Henry is very selective in choosing and prefer quality with discretion.
Let’s have a beer with him?
Fabiana Franzosi - Crazy For Henry Cavill BR.
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